Henry Ford Tribute Page

Henry Ford

Founder of the Ford Motor Company

Henry Ford, Model T
Henry Ford was the creator of the Ford Motor Company, one of the largest and longest running car companies in America. He paved the way for affordable cars, and he did it while treating his workers fairly.

Timeline of Henry Ford's life:

  • 1863 - Born in Greenfield Township, Michigan
  • 1888 - Married Clara Jane Bryant
  • 1891 - Became an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company
  • 1893 - Promoted to Chief Engineer
  • 1896 - Completed a self-propelled vehicle, the Ford Quadricycle
  • 1896 - Introduced to Thomas Edison who encouraged Ford to design and build a second vehicle
  • 1898 - Completed the second vehicle
  • 1899 - Founded the Detroit Automobile Company
  • 1901 - Dissolved the Detroit Automobile Company
  • 1901 - Designed, built, and successfully raced a 26-horsepower automobile in October with the help of C. Harold Wills
  • 1908 - Introduced the Model T on October 1
  • 1913 - Ford set up the first automobile assembly line, and the cars were made faster and cheaper than ever
  • 1918 - Henry Ford set out for the U.S. Senate, but he was turned down
  • 1921 - By 1921, Ford Motor Company was putting out more than 55% of the cars in the country
  • 1926 - Ford decided to focus his efforts on more than just cars, and he ended up with an airplane called the Tri-Motor plane
  • 1932 - Henry Ford successfully put out his first V-8 engine. It was the V-8 Ford
  • 1941 - In spite of his earlier attempts to keep the company out of the union, Ford Motor Company joined UAW in 1941
  • 1947 - Henry died in his home at the age of 83. He was a dedicated, hard worker who used his ideas to change America

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success."

Henry Ford

If you have time, you should read more in his Books.